Can Fuchsia OS Replace Android?

You probably do know Android is a very powerful and versatile operating system but google is working on something else which may end up being a direct replacement to android.
By the end of this blog, you should have a pretty clear idea of what all the Fuchsia OS is about.

So before we get into it. A quick note on kernels computer, kernels other core of an operating system they provide the basic mechanisms around which the OS can be built and a lot of Android main problems come from the fact that is based on the linux kernels, which was not originally intended firms. And in fact, Android, the software itself was built initially for digital cameras so from it's very cool. It isn't exactly specialized for what a phone needs to do. So what about for sure? Well, this OS is based a completely new kernel, with two key benefits, it is designed with the smart connected feature in mind and as much less specific and it's code and so built to work across a wider range of devices they call this kernel zircon. Alright, so what's the benefit?

The reason that for sure OS so powerful is that this kernel let it run on pretty much everything,..everything from smartphones and PCs to fridges and traffic lights one operating system for everything. So as more and more smart devices are now entering people's homes a single is could essentially mean completely seamless integration between your music could switch from your phone’s speak to your smart speaker at the moment you enter a room and your car pick up your music session exactly where you left off when you walked out, also with Android voice commands kind of feel like a under rated feature. Where actually, they have the potential to be even easier than interacting with your fingers and for sure are built around that idea.
Alongside much tighter security measure. It could solve what is arguably one of Android biggest downsides and that is fragmentation,.... fragmentation is the reason why a lot of these phones don't perform as well as the hardware is capable of is the reason why updates are not on time and it exists because Android is a bit of a jumbled mess Android has software and kernel and drivers all woven together in a slightly different configuration for each device. This means Google can’t just push an update through to every android phone out there, these three aspects have to be decoupled manually by OEMs like Samsung and HTC Google has very little control over how people experience Android on 95% of phones and this is a problem because these OEMs don't really have an incentive to keep your device updated thay have an incentive to maintain performance over two years that you might use a phone. If anything they want your current devices to become obsolete. So you'll buy more hardware, which is where that profits are for it’s simpler it's cleaner it's built with updates in mind as also one of the ways that Google can actually regain control over the end-user a software experience.

So are you excited or you are ok with android let me know in the comments.

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