So What Role Does A Sports League Play In An Economy...?

Hello viewers welcome to Info Thirst today we are going to talk about sports and its economic view. Before we get into the topic we would like you to SUBSCRIBE us by clicking the button in the navigation bar. Now that you have done that...So let's dive into it…

Let it be any part of the world if you are living on earth, you belong to a country and be any country, there are sports fans. Let us name some leagues for you, the USA has NBA(National Basketball Association), NFL(National Football League) & MBL(Major League Baseball), England has EPL(English Premier League) India has IPL(Indian Premier League) and so on. Now no doubt each league has their uniqueness and are famous for their own unique crisp of game and no doubt these leagues are highly profitable but our question is how? Now if your answer is only by tickets then you are only 10% right. Lets see closely and breakdown some effects and impacts that this sporting event has on the respective nation’s economy.

Whenever a transaction takes place some government earns some percentage of that transaction which we normally know as tax, and there are tons and tons of transactions taking place. Let's keep tickets transaction aside everybody knows about them but when a player is signed, the merchandise that teams sell the the contract renovation, channel TRP, online streaming, the kits contracts, the income from application they built, their YouTube income on which they upload highlights, their social media income, and the lists goes on. It's like a treasure for the government and these transactions also keep money in circulation. 

Now obviously if you are a sports fan you know what's the magical ingredients in a sporting league but if you are here just by seeing the word economy in the title let me explain to you how these sporting leagues attract the crowd. Now if you look, most of these leagues are of a shorter time period not more than four hour and be it any league there are classical rivalries. Now we cannot put our excitement and every twist and turns of the game in one blog. It will probably take a book or more than a book but to give you a bird's eye view here are some numbers.
Over 18.6 million people viewed IPL 2019 Finals on hotstar 
Over 643 million people viewed EPL 2019 Finals
Over 15.14 million people viewed NBA 2019 Finals
Over 23.5 million people viewed NFL 2019 Finals
And these are just a number of one days.

Now some people have different views and talk about politics and corruption that take place in these leagues but according to us, they give us a good weekend & help our nation’s development and growth in many ways. And us no matter what current covid situations are these leagues will return.

Hope this blog was informative and helped you in some way. Feel free to give your suggestion by commenting in the comment section below. Be updated for more posts by FOLLOWING/SUBSCRIBING us and following us on social media.Thank You for visiting Info Thirst.


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