So What Is Cosmetic Neurology...?

 Hello viewers, welcome to Info Thirst today we are going to discuss Cosmetic Neurology. Before we get into the topic we would like you to Follow us by clicking the follow button. Now that you have done that...So let's dive into it…

Let's say you are going for an interview and you are fully qualified for the job, you have sufficient knowledge, have vision and are willing to work hard. However you are not confident enough because of your nature and shyness, now just because you have sweaty palms doesn't mean you don't deserve the career of your dreams. Here is where ‘Cosmetic Neurology’ comes into picture, now imagine taking a pill just half an hour before your interview and now you have confidence which will help you to express your thoughts and explain yourself more easily. Anjan Chatterjee at University of Pennsylvania, has already done a research on it which you can read by going on their website. 

Not only confidence, many abilities can be improved depending on the ability you want and pills you take. Now we know this sounds a bit scary like an episode of block mirror, but as the technology evolves things will become normal no doubt it will take its own sweet time. 

So what are the advantages and will it affect our normal life? 

Governments can give these medications to policemen to improve their reflexes, people with anger issues can take these and improve their calmness and use it for better understanding. 

Like every other concept it also has its own disadvantages.

Students can use them for better memory, in this way everyone will get good grades but good grades doesn't define their abilities and knowledge. Like police criminals can also use it for their own benefits. Also, letting any medication overdose is always bad. 

There many more aspects on which we can discuss, like distribution, price and demand, etc. Hope this blog was informative and helped you in some way. Feel free to give your suggestion by commenting in the comment section below. Be updated for more posts by FOLLOWING/SUBSCRIBING us and following us on social media. Thank You for visiting Info Thirst.



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