Why Plastic Industry Don't Shut Down?

Hello viewers welcome to Info Thirst, today we are going to talk about Plastic. Plastic can be termed as most hated and most used product. Everybody wants a clean environment, everybody hates plastic...but still commonly used. Why? Lets find out….

Plastic is a huge industry, with worth of $1.1 trillion in 2016 and expected to grow more in future. Plastic is used almost everywhere from your cellphone to your shoes.  Let’s assume plastic is completely banned well kids would be the first one to cry for that since 90% of toys are made up of plastic. And since the water bottle you take to work is also made of plastic, you have to carry heavy metal bottle and there are many more examples to prove that plastic has made our life easy. So where the things went wrong and how plastic became the most hated product….
When 1907 when plastic was made is was a great invention but when ever something is not recycled and used more than needed the boone can turn into curse.

Well if the production of plastic stopped the whole plastic industries will be unemployed. And it will affect on a large scale as the number are in trillions. Then the game of survival will start… the fittest will survive people will either shift to other industries or give up. As a whole industry went down there will inflation. 

But hey, that was just an assumption its not stopping any time soon. Plastic has now become the part of our life... either we can remove it completely or we can maintain it. Either way we should support green environment. But as conclusion we would like to say the only solution to maintain plastic pollution is Reuse, Recycle and Reduce.

We hope our Earth remains green and healthy. Hope this blog was informative to you keep visiting us because you are our greatest asset.

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