Hello viewers welcome to Info Thirst today we are going to talk about some modern problem with modern solutions. Before we get into the topic we would like you to SUBSCRIBE us by clicking the button in the navigation bar. Let’s get started.

If we consider every inch of the earth, 71 percent of earth is covered by water and 29 percent by land area. And every inch of it is covered or comes under some or the nation. A person can buy a piece of land but cannot buy the whole country. With the motive of concurring the a decent amount of area the concept os seasteading is been created.
Basically seasteading means to built a city over sea or can also be defined as floating city. One of well known entrepreneur Peter Thiel came up this idea. And the project is going on science 2017 the motive is to built 500 houses over the ocean.Rumors are crypto currency will be taken in use for the transaction.

So what will be the benefit…

Privacy -  As there is not any specific governance no one would be able to easily steal their data. And privacy must be the top concern. And beside that, no one likes to get interfered in their personal life. “Less the people, less the rumors” is the perfect way to define the privacy in seasteading.

Tax - Again that city doesn’t belong to any country so there won’t that much of tax collection. Although there will be some amount of tax collected because the place needs to be maintained. We can say there will be the perfect use of tax, because small places are quite easy to maintain, in comparative to a large nation.

Rule...? - We cannot predict the rules till now but we can surely say there will be some kinds of rules and regulations. Because everybody needs to feel safe in their home.

Favorable climate - The climate will be moderate and decent because after all, magnetic field of comfort zone is attracting you. So climate condition temperature isn’t going to be that much of problem.

More Space - Yes! as some amount of population will migrate there, this will result in creating space in real land. And we will be able to live more comfortably and with more job opportunity.

How risky is it…?

Well future is unpredictable but assumption can be done according to our assumption….
Balance of between types of people and no of people needs to be in a proper proportion; Eg. If City has population of 100 people it must include 4-5 doctors 5-6 engineers and half of population should know how to swim and sail a boat. And also natural calamities can play a role of ice burg to this beautiful titanic, which may cause loss of human life. And for sure every need to own there private network and be secured because a city full of rich people with crypto currency can attract the hackers.

We hope this project gives the best possible success and dream of everyone working on that project gets fulfilled. Hope this blog was informative and helped you in some kind. Feel free to give your suggestion by commenting in the comment section below. Be updated for more post by SUBSCRIBING us and following us on social media.Thank You for visiting Info Thirst.

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