What Makes Art So Expensive...?

Hello viewers welcome to Info Thirst today we are going to talk about Arts and paintings. Before we get into the topic we would like you to SUBSCRIBE us by clicking the button in the navigation bar. Now that you have done that...So lets dive into it...

If you are interested in top most expensive painting you can read our Blog -
10 Most Expensive Painting In The World

How do you put a dollar value on a piece of art…. it's a billion-dollar question. Well more than that actually, it's estimated around 50 billion dollars in art was sold worldwide last year. Compared to stocks or Commodities it's hard to measure how much art is worth.

For many the value of art live in the eye of the holder meaning one piece of art could be worth a lot to one person and not even a penny someone else. You can get a sense of the ranging valuations of Art and just one gallery from One Piece costing in the thousands of dollars all the way to a Picasso in the millions.
What makes a Picasso worth millions? Well one reason is simple economics of Supply and demand. Wealthy art buyers, whether they're Picasso enthusiasts  or an Investors looking for a place to store their money... everyone wants to get their hands on a Picasso. But there are only few Picasso's left in the world the supply shortage drives up prices as buyers outbid each other. So sales in the high-end Art Market come from a select group of in demand artists whose work like Picasso's is considered scarce the most expensive pieces of art sold across Lost sectors last year were from artists who are no longer alive.

Even in Contemporary Art 25 artists accounted for nearly half of public art auction sales in the first six months of 2018 put another way. The Art Market is like YouTube market some earning in millions and some chewing peanuts and not even getting just a fraction of them.

But art isn't just about the artist's reputation. There are other factors at play like the art size and genre its condition the prices of similar pieces and where the work has been exhibited art.
It's the million-dollar buyers generating headline after headline of record sales in the art industry.
The top end of the Art Market is dominated by a select group of players, who are pretty private about their business, which can make it tricky to predict value of how much they're actually spending on an Art more.

China has been driving a lot of the growth in high-end art sales since the financial crisis as it meant new Millionaires and billionaires looking for places to invest their money China ranks third in global art sales after the UK and the US. And these three countries combined make up 81 percent of global sales by values just because some art cost Millions.

Now as we said before the price of art lies in the eyes of buyer, now if some arts cost millions doesn't mean you have to pay that much. You can make your own art or buy painting which you like and love for far more less.

If you are interested in top most expensive painting you can read our Blog -
10 Most Expensive Painting In The World

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