Audio - A new evolution

Hello viewers, today we are going to discuss a new evolution. We are going to talk about audiobooks and podcast which are basically audio containing huge information, so let's dive into it….

In olden times there used be street plays, dramas, etc then in 1895 radio was invented and in 1895 first channel was invented everything changed and people started using radio. It is one the best invention in the history. Then television came in picture and everything started shifting to it. And now a days everything is shifting to audio again. So is the history is getting repeated?

Well now a days book are shifting to audio books and information/entertainment videos to podcasts.

So why life is taking turn…
Time management - Podcasts and audio books safe time, you can listen while going for a walk or while doing something which is not that important.
Healthy eyes - You can close your eyes and give rest to them while gaining information. And on the other hand videos needs attention.

So where can you find it…
Well there are several apps but we prefer GOOGLE PODCAST. And for audio books AUDIBLE.

And honestly only these things right now in market have the potential to take down the giant YouTube.

If you want our recommendation of our favorite podcast/audio books which we listen, let us know in the comment section below.

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