So What Is Filter Bubble...?

Hello viewers welcome to Info Thirst today we are going to talk about web results and their impact on us. Before we get into the topic we would like you to SUBSCRIBE us by clicking the button in the navigation bar. Now that you have done that...So lets dive into it…

When we ask about search engines or to find anything on web the only name appear in your mind is GOOGLE AND BING, and there is a 95% probably of it. Believe us, its not your fault. Simply because these are one of the famous and versatile search gaints. And almost every one use them every day. Let's frame the sentence this way, they collect data from you every day. Is it safe with them? Are they giving you any guarantee of it? The simple answer NO.

If we look at the scenario these days privacy is one of the important concern, if someone knows your choice or your day to day activities... anyone can easily manipulate your choice or selling you anything. Now we all know we see advertisement of things we search online but that's not the only problem we are facing here. If we see closely FILTER BUBBLE are bigger problem than that.

So what is filter bubble…?
Basically filter bubble analyse your web search and your web behavior, and give results accordingly. The key problem is they don't challenge your idea, they make a comfort zone and let you believe that same idea even if it is wrong or junk.

Lets say for example, MR. A resides at a place different from MR. B, their previous searches are different and so on… if they both search for lets say 'NEWS' they both are gonna get different results, even if incognito mode is on. Now its like your personal space, but you don't decide what gets in and gets out. And its never balanced, they show us the news in which we can get more and more indulge and spend more of our time. Eg. If I am living in India and watch movie trailer constantly and I search for news they will show the reviews of movies rather than dead in Africa. They will keep on feeding us more and more junk news just because we are spending more and more time on it.

The point is we should get the results which are important, which challenge us in some way, which help us grow, which improve our thoughts, which improve our society in general. Because we have to get out of our comfort zone and learn something from internet which is gonna help us in improving and developing our lifestyles. Once in a while junk food is good but we need to consume healthy and nutritious food to be healthy mentally and physically.

This topic is much more deep and we go on and on, if you want us to make more blogs on such topics please let us know in comment section below…

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