So What Is PM 2.5 And How It's Deprivation By Corona Virus Is Benifiting Us…?

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While everyone is noticing the negative effects of corona virus, lets take a deep breath and see how Corona virus can be beneficial for us. Talking about deep breaths, have you noticed the clear sky and air? Exactly that's because of reduction in level of PM 2.5 in the air we take in.

So what exactly is PM 2.5…?
PM 2.5 stands for particulate matter and 2.5 refers the size i.e. 2.5 micros. It is measured in micro-gram per cubic meters. PM 2.5 are fine particles that are found our atmosphere, and it is considered the most dangerous pollutant. Now that we know what PM 2.5 is lets talk about how it is affected by corona virus.

Now, air pollution is taking place from stone age or even before that but it was acknowledge in 1300's by Edward Longshanks. And by the time of industrial revolution it took a tremendous boost. Until the outbreak of COVID-19 or commonly known as corona virus. Since its outbreak, with people, carbon emissions factories , cars, bikes and other vehicles also went for quarantine. And the resulting were devastating. Let's the numbers as they can be more understandable and conveyancing.

Regularly on an average, PM 2.5 in Mumbai, India is 122 & in New York, USA is 28, so now you have the picture how bad Asia's atmosphere is in comparison to USA. But after COVID-19 outbreak it has fallen currently to 93&12 respectively. These are pictures from NASA and you can clearly see the difference.

Now the air quality has increased undoubtedly but it has came on a cost and after this is over everything will be back on that track again. Hence we should find a way to increase air quality but not by crashing economy and jeopardizing thousands of life. Like a person can avoid few business trips and attend a conference call or car pooling. Now we can hours and hours on how we can decrease the air pollution and increase air quality index, but for now we should take positive lesson and ideas from this pandemic and apply to our life.

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